Tuesday, 3 April 2012

More filming about Diabetes

It looks like diabetes is getting a higher profile these days, or perhaps because I am so close to it, I jut think it is! In the April edition of Balance the front cover shows Tom Craig who is a film lecturer at Derby University. He is making a trilogy of films aiming to raise awareness of diabetes. He has chosen to film in the medium of horror fiction. As a Type 1 diabetic since the age of 4 he knows, like I do, about the condition. Making films from first hand experience makes it so powerful. His first film in the Bitter Sweet trilogy dealt with low blood sugar levels, also known as hypoglycaemia. It is entitled Sugar Drop. It was filmed on the university campus in a lift where the character descends into panic and the audience is left wondering if his hallucinations are real or imagined.  Adam thinks that some people are curious as to why he would use the horror genre, but he has received positive acclaim for this first film from NHS professionals and pharmaceutical companies wanting to screen his film at conferences and seminars. It has also been selected for industry competitions from Bangalore to Toronto.
His second part of the trilogy is in the making, called ‘Argon Green’ and this has been expanded into a 90 minute feature. This film deals with the subject of retinopathy, a condition that damages eyesight.  Adam has had some trouble with his sight but he wants the largely ignorant public, as well as to encourage those with diabetes to look after themselves, to know more about eye care. Although working on a very low budget, Adam has been able to borrow and use £30,000 of prime lenses which will enhance the picture quality. This is because the University of Derby together with Cooke optics of Leicester has invested in the lenses. The film should be out later this year.

Checkout his website here

For more support about any aspect of living with diabetes you can call Diabetes UK Careline
0845 1202960 or  hit the website here

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