The writing of the pitch focussed our minds on making our subject interesting, engaging and to show that we had thought through our ideas clearly.
We divided our pitch into sections for us each to read out. This injected pace into the reading.
I put over the fact that the number of foreign workers entering Britain may be sparking greater support for the British National Party which is the central focus in our programme. I also explained in the pitch how we were going to use interviews as well as statistics in our film.
In our pitch we tried to get over the fact that although this subject is very topical and has been aired before, our video will be different because we will be getting up to the minute views of the public, locally in Bath. We will bring a new dimension to the subject because it will be produced by young people and it will portray this section of society’s views. We also aim to make this current, as we will be visiting a public meeting about the recession that I saw advertised in the University.
I think that our pitch went well and I am looking forward to working on my role which will be collecting archive footage, taking notes at the public meeting, finding archive and current newspaper research, recording and editing suitable music for the video.
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