Today we had a quick run through the customisable web browser ‘Firefox.’
Firefox is similar to internet explorer that comes free with windows, but the difference is that it is almost completely customizable.
We were then introduced to ‘IGoogle’ which is new to me. IGoogle is also a customisable part of the internet which allows you to customize the way the Google webpage looks on your own personal account. The service is completely free and it allows you to add widgets which can be time saving, fun and informative.
For instance on mine I have a world clock, Google reader and some favourite games.
The Google reader widget allows the user to read all the blogs that he or she has subscribed to in a manageable window rather than trawling though the internet or bookmarks (AKA favourites) to find out what the latest news feeds are.
Overall I think that IGoogle and Firefox are a match made in heaven and allow people to quickly access yet even more valuable information from the internet on a daily basis using their own personal spaces.
Download Firefox here
Customise Firefox here
Create an iGoogle account here
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